Kamis, 17 Desember 2015

me vs personality

"Karena wanita ingin dimengerti, lewat tutur lembut dan lagu-lagu. Manjakan dian, dengan kasih sayang...."

Women.... Seem so egoistic. The fact is... Yeah, it is true.
Women needs to be spoiled, to be loved wholeheartedly.
They are sensitive.
Every simple thing will make them cry. Happiness, sadness... All that stuff..
Egoistic. That's true.
Even women themself are not able to understand why, what is happening in their thoughts, or hearts, or souls.
Short after crying, they wil be confused.
What the hell is happening??
Women want to be number one.
They want to be prioritized, ome after another.
Problems are what they make.
A small thing becomes bigger in a minute.
Could you understand women's feeling??
Nope, it is hard.
They ask you to understand meanwhile it is also hard for them to understand themself.
What is going on?? Let's see...

Am I fair by using 'they'?
Maybe, it should be 'I'.... 😌😌😌

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