Rabu, 06 April 2016


sekarang.. aku ingin begini
5 mneit kemudian, aku ingin begitu.
5 menit yang lalu, aku ingin begono
besok, aku gak ingin gimana-gimana

Karepe opo toh, mbakyuuu??
today's decision is different either with yesterday's or even tomorrow's.
I don't even understand what I actually want for myself.

she asked me. he asked me. they asked me. you asked me.
I asked myself. I don't know.
I don't have the answer.
I can't find the answer, though.

it's hard to find the right time for me.
there will always be the wrong things for me.
I always feel that I am the right one.

kudu piye...?

a thought.

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