Rabu, 24 Januari 2018

Let’s Fight The Distance

To be in a long distance relationship (LDR) is a common thing for youngster nowadays. Well, this kind of relationship is actually not only happened to couples but also for family members. In the past, we got used to be in the same area even in the house but now we have to adapt with the situation. After all, one big question for those who are in LDR is how to have a good LDR?

Here are some tips that hopefully may encourage your relationship.

1. Communicate regularly
Image result for long distance relationship phone call

In the era of technology, communication is easy for everyone. Make use of it. You can us
either messenger or video call application. Greet each other regularly to make your
beloved ones know that she/he is special. Although you are really busy, have some
minutes to tell him/her that you are doing well.

2. Avoid excessive communication
Image result for long distance relationship phone call
Though communication is important, don’t be over. You don’t really have to
communicate 12 hours a day. You also don’t need to have a looooong conversation to
compensate the time you are apart. One day, you would get tired of talking to each other
because there is nothing special on it.

3. Trust each other
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Trust is a must in a relationship. How will your relationship be happy when you both
don’t trust each other? Although you can’t fully monitor his/her activities, you need to put
trust on him/her. One way to build trust is being open each other. Tell him/her the
important things that you think she/he should know.

4. Make visits
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For those that are only separated by some miles, try to make visit each other. Plan your
visit so that you two will have a quality time. However, a surprise visit is recommended
because it will be memorable.

5. Give surprise
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As said above, a surprise is recommended. You don’t really need much money to give
surprise. The important thing is the moment. Writing a song or poem about your
relationship is sweet. However, don’t do the same thing in sequence. Make some
improvement in every surprise.

6. Do things together
You don’t have to be physically close to do things together. Watching the same movie in
the same time may be a good choice. Doing some activities together will make you feel

7. Set goal
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Make a plan with each other. You have to know the estimated times you guys will be
apart and the goal of your relationship. It is a must for you to be on the same page and
have same goals with him/her. Even you are not living in the same time zone, both of you
have already known what to do with the future of your relationship.

Try these tips and have a lovely LDR!

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