Senin, 12 Juni 2017

Will they?

now ... currently...
I am confused of what I am doing in my life.

I am living well but my inside thoughts are not.
All that wild thoughts came to my mind over and over.

They would leave me, I think.
They would hate me, I think.
They would blame me, I think
They don't need me, I think.
They don't love me, I think.

Would they?
Will they?

I am living in fear.
Fear of being left, fear of being hated.
I am living in tears.
I am living in darkness.
I am living with negative thoughts inside me.

Sorry, I couldn't think of anything positive.
Sorry, I couldn't let go of those wild thoughts.

I don't want to be like this any far.
I want to move forward.

Help me.

the past

Entah || The Diary of a Stranger (14)

Sudah dua tahun berlalu, hampir aku melupakaan perasaan asing ini Sudah puluhan bulan berlalu, tak ingat lagi rasanya menjadi seseorang yan...