Sabtu, 29 April 2017

still, we are strangers || The Diary of a Stranger (2)

in the corner of the room
sat all by myself
a cup of hot asian dolce latte
a book of Tere Liye
a colored pen to make notes
songs of Ian Chen
raining outside
with all strangers around.

kind of my perfect day, yeay..

seems weird.
yet, that's how I like to spend my day off.
no need to be afraid of lacking of conversation topic
no need to be awkward of my favorites

how I like to be by myself for a while.

the next day, I need you.
yeah, I need you
I need you again, and again

to see you smile
to hear your voice
are things I like on the next day
but, not today
but, how?
but, we are still strangers
but, still, you don''t know me.

still, we are still.

Selasa, 25 April 2017

陌生人 // Stranger || The Diary of a Stranger (1)

我是谁?(Who am I?
你是谁?(Who are you?
没有人知道 (Nobody knows)

我不是你重要的人 (I am not an important ones for you)
我名字都你没听过 (You don't even know my name)

你的笑容 (Your smile)
你的声音 (Your voice)
都在我心中 (Are all in my heart)

没有一天我不想念你 (There are no days without missing you)
没有一晚我不需要你 (There are no nights without needing you?

你知道我谁吗?(Do you know who I am?)
有一个努人等待你 (There is a woman waiting for you)
等你准备贪恋爱 (Waiting you to be ready for fall in love)

陌生人 (Stranger)
一百分对了!(Absolutely correct!)

我对你就是跟一般陌生人一样 (For you, I am just like the other strangers)
不小心碰到的陌生人 (A stranger whom you met accidentally)

可是你不是 (But, you are not)
世界 (the world)
你是我的世界 (You are my world)
一天没看你小我很难过 (A day without seeing you smile sadden me)

反正我是陌生人 (Anyway, I am just a stranger)
永远都是 (I am, probably forever)

Kamis, 20 April 2017

First ----






现在怎么样呢? jiayou!!!

Senin, 10 April 2017

Bend Like a Lion

I have a classmate named Deny in my very first grade of Junior High School. I saw him on his very first day of school. I saw him everyday. He saw me in a glance when he introduced himself in front of class. Deny would never look at me anymore after that such-and-such a percent second of glance. I told you this, I knew and know him even before his name was going out from his own mouth. Everything's going wrong. I do not know why.
A week of Deny's first semester has passed already. He still did not pay any attention to me, his silent watcher. There was no me in every action of him. Instead of me, Ryshaka and Parjo were his clique. Day by day, they wore or used a similar thing. Monday was their day for musk perfume while purple headbands were their things in Friday. A moment I tried to be his 'vague' clique but got only zero attention. I do not know why.
Once Ryshaka told me that Deny was spiritedly joining a lion dance (lion dance in Chinese: wûshī) training. I nodded without any exciting responses. I knew and know it. Deny dreamed to be a professional lion dancer. Unfortunately, he was not supported by his father so that he went to his trainee by lying. Time by time, finally he was selected to be one of the dancers which would be performing in one important event. He prepared himself really well for his first performance. I tried to help Deny when he needed someone to take his costume. He rejected me but asked for somebody else. I do not know why.
lion dance
lion dance
As the years went by, Deny trained himself well. In result, he became a significant part of his team's lion dance. Each of his classmates would praise him whenever Deny's name was popped out. Even, Ryshaka and Parjo were not his clique since Deny was the school's rising star. I hoped the readers dare not even imagine me as his adherent. He would never recognize me that much. I do not know why.
In one bad day, something bad happened to Deny. His father, Mr. Asiong, knew that his son secretly became a lion dancer. Deny was never allowed to do that kind of thing since the very first time he asked Mr. Asiong permission. His -you can say- fierce father fiercely ordered Deny to leave his dream as lion dancer. Deny's costumes and all his supporting property was burned in one moment. The only thing that Deny could do was only accepted Mr. Asiong's decision. Deny was in his painful condition. I thought I do know why.
"Deny, you are seriously done." That was Mr. Asiong's last statement which almost made Deny give up. A little bit more, precisely. It was 0,01 cm left to his weakest point. The greatest dream to be a professional lion dancer which he has dreamed since years (year and years) ago. The training of him which he has been through in so many years. Four years, precisely. It was a little bit more to reach his greatest peak. I swear it to you, readers. All of his efforts were bringing him up before that statement. The statement of Mr. Asiong, his father. In the other hand, Deny told me this problem which is caused by Mr. Asiong. Once again, he told me for no exact reason. I do not know why.\
Before Deny told me his confusion, I knew it already. He was confused by the options of his father. Would he choose to be with family? Would he choose to keep on his dream to be a professional lion dancer? His team's lion dance refused to give any comments toward his problem as long as he still wants to be a part of the team. Then, he rejected me once but asked my opinion since he knew me as his silent watcher. I do not know why.
After we got a -maybe- long conversation about him, Deny finally wanted to take a brave decision. When all of his dance's property was burned by his father, Deny planned an almost perfect plan to be runaway. He decided not to be depended on his parents. His team of lion dance accepted him to stay for a while in their base camp until Deny could live by himself. I told you this, Deny finally become the leader of SLBD, one of the famous lion dance in Belinyu. He deserved it after struggling by himself for a pretty long time. Of course, I know why.
Finally, I tell you that the story of Deny is finished. What is my point of telling his story? Let me get you a small introduction. Deny is me. Yes, I am Deny. Every part of Deny which you have read previously is not real. The real Deny is only a dreamer who dreams of himself to be somebody else. So, this is a story from me, a deaf-mute person who wants to tell and retell inspiring stories for you, my readers.

Do My Part

Responsibility.. Tanggungjawab.. seseorang mengatakan pada saya bahwa itu berarti harus cepat tanggap untuk apa yg sudah menjadi bagianmu.
sepertinya mudah-mudah saja.. namun kenyataan berkata lain.. untuk menjadi seseorang yang bertanggungjawab sangatlah berat. Di mana keadaan menuntut saya cepat tanggap dan di sisi lain saya merasa bagian saya bukanlah disitu.
do your part, do my part.. apa sih artinya?
melakukan bagianku ? apa maksudnya...?
terkadang terlalu sulit dimengerti dan diaplikasikan dalam kehidupan..
bertanggungjawab terhadap tugas, pekerjaan, konsekuensi, bahkan bertanggungjawab terhadap pilihan yang pernah kita pilih.
kenapa sih responsibility itu susah?
setiap orang seharusnya bisa dengan cepat tanggap terhadap bagian masing-masing. namun kadar dari rasa tanggung jawab masih terlalu rendah..and it does not depend on someone's age. karena terkadang seseorang yang sudah mature dalam umur namun kurang bisa menjalankan tanggungjawabnya..
ntahlah... Bertanggung jawab... cepat tanggap.. responsibility.. do my own part..
i am still learning how to be.
bisa, semua orang bisa kok bertanggungjawab dengan bagian masing-masing..
yeah, pasti bisa...

saved. but, don't

A name appears, the memories come.
Sweet past and the laughter they shared never disappear.
Tell her the way out!
Number's saved. but don't call.
Strong memories. she couldn't help but feeling blue.
Deep remembrance. Yuck, mission aborted.
Tell her the way out!
She's stuck in memories.
No way out. no bravery. no will.
Stronger and deeper, help her!
everything's saved. but DON'T!

Entah || The Diary of a Stranger (14)

Sudah dua tahun berlalu, hampir aku melupakaan perasaan asing ini Sudah puluhan bulan berlalu, tak ingat lagi rasanya menjadi seseorang yan...